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Hemispherx’s Vaccine Enhancer Making Waves in Japan (AMEX:HEB)

By Sandra Kitchen on 09/29/2009 – 4:38 am PDTLeave a Comment

Hemispherx Biopharma, Inc. (AMEX:HEB) is in the news after it was announced that Dr. Hasegawa the director of the Japanese National Institute of Infectious Diseases presented data on the lead compounds of Ampligen (R) (Poly I : Poly C12U) the double stranded RNA. The paper was titled “Formulations and Efficacy of the Influenza Vaccine Administered Intranasally,” at the 13th Conference of the Japanese Society of Vaccinology. The vaccine enhancer is making waves at the Vaccinology conference after the release of the data.

Dr. Hasegawa’s paper and data showed that there may be cross protection against mutated strains of viruses with the formulation of pandemic vaccine mixed with Ampligen (R). The therapeutic data shows this, increases the immunogenicity and therefore could help to protect against mutated strains of the virus.

Hemispherx Biopharma specializes in the advances of new drug treatments for seriously debilitating disorders and developed Ampligen ® as an experimental nucleic acid with the potential to treat global viral diseases and disorders. The company is still in the process of experimental studies to access the efficiency of Ampligen ® against influenza viruses. They have manufacturing facilities in New Brunswick, New Jersey for their bio pharmaceuticals, including Alferon LDO ®, Alferon N Injection ®,

Tags: Ampligen, , Virus Strain

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