FavStocks Stock Market Forum - Traders Lounge http://forums.favstocks.com/ An open forum where your free to talk just about anything. Just be nice :-) en Wed, 15 Sep 2010 07:15:36 GMT vBulletin 60 http://forums.favstocks.com/images/vblue_dark/misc/rss.png FavStocks Stock Market Forum - Traders Lounge http://forums.favstocks.com/ Japanese Intervention in Currency Marketshinclay http://forums.favstocks.com/traders-lounge/2115-japanese-intervention-currency-marketshinclay.html Wed, 15 Sep 2010 05:18:28 GMT *Summary:* The Japanese government came out today and intervened in the currency markets to weaken the Yen. As well, Japanese government officials... Summary:

The Japanese government came out today and intervened in the currency markets to weaken the Yen. As well, Japanese government officials pointed at "82" as being the line in the sand.

Bloomberg Review:

Japan Intervenes for First Time Since 2004 to Rein in Yen - Bloomberg

Take Away Point:

Japan is an export oriented country that heavily relies on having a weak currency to export substantially more than it imports. The Yen hit a new 15 year high today prior to the government intervention. The consensus is out on whether the Japanese government can truly weaken the Yen over the medium term and thereby increase exports to help its economic recovery.

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Traders Lounge FollowMyAlpha http://forums.favstocks.com/traders-lounge/2115-japanese-intervention-currency-marketshinclay.html
Investing Wisely http://forums.favstocks.com/traders-lounge/2044-investing-wisely.html Tue, 07 Sep 2010 20:22:21 GMT interesting market in play, big boys on the way down- small stocks playing it up! whats the thought about CRGE? interesting market in play, big boys on the way down- small stocks playing it up!

whats the thought about CRGE? ]]>
Traders Lounge ANGEL http://forums.favstocks.com/traders-lounge/2044-investing-wisely.html
any way to save laborious typing in of parameters/stocknames when looking at charts? http://forums.favstocks.com/traders-lounge/2073-any-way-save-laborious-typing-parameters-stocknames-when-looking-charts.html Sun, 01 Aug 2010 04:08:18 GMT I work using your method (b) but to make it easier I use a browser addon called TableMaster from MasterAddOns' TableMaster

I apply Tablemaster to the results of the stock scan, and I use it to help refine those results to something more for me,
Then you can add the stock symbols to a list, and go to sharpcharts, where you can get the value from the list into the field for entering the stock symbol.

Note you have to use the FieldMaster:Next/Prev option - as the standard FieldMaster option doesn't work on Sharpcharts as they reload the page after you hit enter. ]]>
Traders Lounge patman123 http://forums.favstocks.com/traders-lounge/2073-any-way-save-laborious-typing-parameters-stocknames-when-looking-charts.html